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Exception from the driving ban on weekends and public holidays in the Czech Republic
The Ministry of Transport has approved an exception from the driving ban on highways and class I roads in the Czech Republic for trucks and special vehicles with a maximum

Exception from the rules concerning driving and resting times – Directive No. 561/ 2006
The Ministry of Transport has approved that Czech authorities may disregard truck drivers who disobey prescribed driving and resting times because of unexpected delays, especially at border crossings. This exception

A state of emergency is in effect in the Czech Republic
Under the declared state of emergency, the government has prohibited all international passenger road transport providers from carrying passengers across the borders of the Czech Republic. The borders of the

Repairs to Czech roads continues
ŘSD is preparing a series of highway and class I road repairs beginning in March. Highway repairs will address 78 structures and affect 568 km of road. Repairs to class

Closure of the D1 motorway at the weekend
Area: D1 motorway in the section Koberovice (EXI 81) – Humpolec (EXIT 90) in the direction to Brno and in the section Humpolec (EXIT 90) – Hořice (EXIT 75) in

Beware of ice on loads or on vehicles
The driver must not drive the vehicle if there is ice on the vehicle or on its load which could endanger road safety if it were to come free and

Overtaking restrictions for trucks
In the Czech Republic, efforts are being made to ban trucks from passing. We hereby appeal for complying with the currently valid passing ban, which you may encounter on selected

Public holidays in the Czech Republic in 2020
During public holidays in the Czech Republic, the driving ban applies to trucks and special automobiles and vehicles with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 7.5 t and trucks and special

Useful phrases – Czech language course
Povolení – Permisson Nákladní vozidlo – Lorry Autobus – Bus Benzín – Petrol Diesel – Diesel Řidičský průkaz – Driving licence SPZ (státní poznávací značka u vozidel) – Registraton number