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Czech Republic – extension and specification of the exception to Regulation 561/2006
The exception is valid from 12:00 a.m. midnight on 15.4.2020 until 11:59 p.m. on 31.5.2020. In the period from 12:00 a.m. midnight on 15.4.2020 until 23:59 p.m. on 31.5.2020, the

Parking areas on highway D1
As a part of the improvements to traffic conditions on the most frequently used Czech highway, i.e. highway D1, ŘSD has allocated eight locations for parking trucks during extraordinary events.

The state of emergency in the Czech Republic
The state of emergency has been prolonged until May 17, 2020. The exemptions from driving restrictions are in force for the time of state of emergency. (web site Ministry of

The ten commandments of a proper trucker
The results of a questionnaire on the internet revealed several typical truck driver behaviours that most frequently disturbed other drivers. It also revealed truck driver behaviour appreciated by others. Take

Czech Republic – extension and specification of the exception to Regulation 561/2006
The exception is valid from 12:00 a.m. midnight on 15.4.2020 until 11:59 p.m. on 31.5.2020. In the period from 12:00 a.m. midnight on 15.4.2020 until 23:59 p.m. on 31.5.2020, the

High-speed weighing
The amendment on the act on road communications, which now permits high-speed weigh-in-motion systems, came into effect on 1 January 2010. Vehicles no longer need to be diverted off the

Road Closure – D1 motorway between km 168 and 178
The motorway will be completely closed in this section from Saturday 18 April 19:00 to Sunday 19 April 09:00. The detour route is indicated on the map below Preparatory works:

Main changes to the conditions of entry to the territory of the Czech Republic (entering into force from April 14th, 2020 – 0:00)
With effect from April 14th, 2020 (0:00) new conditions of entry to the territory of the Czech Republic shall apply for the duration of the state of emergency. Main changes

Ban on passing along some highway sections
In order to prevent traffic backups at border crossings, we have introduced a passing ban along some sections of highways D1, D2, D5, D8 and D11 in the direction towards