Repairs to Czech roads continues
ŘSD is preparing a series of highway and class I road repairs beginning in March. Highway repairs will address 78 structures and affect 568 km of road. Repairs to class I roads will apply to 112 structures and affect 531 km of these roads.
The following is a selection of some of the restrictions expected in the near future.
Highway D3:
Nažidla – Dolní Dvořiště state border
Highway D1:
Kývalka – Brno west (181.500–189.500 km)
Brno south (196.000–97.500)
Brno west – MÚK Brno centre (km 189.500–194.560)
Brno centre – Brno south (km 194.560–196.000)
Brno south – Brno east extension
Highway D11:
Trutnov – Czech Republic/Poland state border
Highway D52:
MÚK Mikulov south – Czech Republic/Austria state border
Highway D48:
Bělotín – Rybí, 2 stages
Class I road – I/ 35:
Renovation of the Rádelský Mlýn interchange on road I/35 between Turnov and Liberec will commence. The existing intersection no longer supports the current traffic load and is a location of frequent car accidents. Caution is advised when passing through the sections under repair.
Please helps us in managing the roadworks of all sections in order to avoid any accidents and unnecessary traffic complications.