Changes in the toll system as of 1 January 2021
Dear customer, we would like to inform you that as of the new year, i.e. from 1 January 2021, there will be changes in the Electronic Toll System, which you can get acquainted with in more detail on When driving on toll roads, your vehicles must have the current number of axles set on the on-board unit under the new conditions.
The adjustment concerns the rates for vehicles of the M2 and M3 category (buses). At the same time, a rate for 5 or more axles is introduced for other vehicles under the new conditions. WHAT DOES THE CHANGE MEAN FOR CARRIERS?· Buses, i.e. vehicles in the M2 and M3 category, must now set the current number of axles on the on-board unit when driving on toll roads.· Also other vehicles must have the actual number of axles set on the on-board unit, even in the case of 5 or more axles (the number of axles 5+ is then displayed on the OBU simultaneously by diodes 2 and 3 – see figure).

For detailed information about changes in the Electronic Toll System as of 1 January 2021, please visit